Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back in Bohol - day 3&4 (3/14-15/2010)

I'm going to cover both days 3 & 4 here in this post. For these days we had all the leisure time to spend it on the beach and resort since we have no other scheduled activities. It wasn't that boring even though what we did was just stayed on the beach, play frisbee, eat, and swim.

So catching the sunrise again on the start of day 3, we were able to get this nice (I guess so) silhouette shot with the sun about to rise from the horizon.

Since we have all the day at the beach we had the time to roam around and take pictures.

3 kayaks laid between 2 trees

Every beach resort has their own rules and regulations we have to follow. It is not for their benefit but for our nature. So please comply. =)

A sunburst achieved by taking a shot of the sun behind the leaves of this coconut tree.

We also found this big cloud with the sun hiding behind it. Another chance of a sunburst effect.

this was HDR'ed already

Since sand here is very fine, it produces a smooth glass effect whenever it is wet by the shore waves. We accidentally noticed a clear reflection of our pictures when we took some so we did this.

reflection by the sand

Back to relaxation and sunburn mode. It's time to take some group pictures.

Allan, Janet, Joyce(my gf) and me

this time by pair =)

We made use of a boat that is anchored in the shore that time as our shooting spot. haha.

On to our last day, we caught up again with sunrise, as we normally schedule ourselves to. Not much clouds that morning and the bright warm sun appeared among us.

Looks like sunset but it's not. The sun was just rising.


a coral and the sand ripples

Last hoorah at the beach before we leave. hehe.

refreshment before leaving

at the plane back to manila

Another great Bohol summer experience. We definitely had fun with our island tour and enjoyed our stay at the beach.

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