Monday, September 27, 2010

Bohol Escapade 1 - Day 3&4 - 11/01-02/09

Good morning Bohol!!! Good morning sunshine!!! We’ve finally caught up with the sunrise. It was our first time to photograph sunrise and we even brought our notes on how to do it. Hahaha… well at least we’ve come prepared. We were early that time and waited for the sun to rise. It was cold outside and the sea was very calm thus it was very peaceful and relaxing.

We were preparing that time. We took some practice shots. But ooops... battery is in low bat. Crap!!! Great timing huh... Will we miss another chance on sunrise? Nah.. we won't let it happen. Good thing though is that we had a spare digicam (but much inferior to the model we're using). The remaining battery was used later on when the sun had appeared.

The surroundings slowly brightened up. Here comes the sun! But hey! Why must you hide behind the clouds? Where are you, where are you??? Anyway, it was still beautiful. =)

waiting for the sun to appear

Today, since land tour is over, we have the leisure time to take a dip either at the beach or in the swimming pool. It was sunburn time for short. Hehehe…


some kayaks for rent

My gf even had her henna tattoo on while I refused to do so. I’m not into tattoos by the way. Henna tattoo there was very cheap. I think hers was just for P50.

my gf's henna tattoo

DBR Grill offers different kinds of grilled seafood. Sandwiches for breakfast and a lot more. Simple as it had been cooked yet it tasted so good. Quality grilled seafood indeed. We always ordered for a grilled blue marlin belly.

our lunch for the day

The beach has very fine white sand and clear blue water. It was a little crowded that time since it was Sunday and probably nearby residents go there every weekend. Nevertheless it is sometimes much nicer to share the beach with a lot of people.

doodling in the sand

My model (my gf) posing for some shots in the beach.

All afternoon long we just shifted swimming in the beach and pool. And before dusk fell on us we took again shots, particularly jump shots… hehehe… we’ve been trying to be proficient on this one. Haha
fly away!!!

Too bad sunset was on the opposite side of the Island so no sunset shots for us. Visible to us though was the sunset shades in the sky.

sunset silhouette

Sunset in Dumaluan also marks the end of the day since there is no night life there. No bar, so no parties. That meant goodnight for us too.

We were able to catch up again with the sunrise on our 4th day. I think it was more dramatic compared to yesterday. The sun really showed up unlike yesterday where it hid behind the clouds.

sunrise silhouette

Sun slowly appeared… far into the horizon. The warm glow of the sun can be slightly felt. The skies, golden in color, reflected the surroundings. The beauty and grandeur of the sunrise is slowly unfolding.


golden background

We would be leaving late in the morning so we maximized the time left for us in the resort. We took some pictures in the beach and took a dip in the pool. We also took an early lunch so that we won’t get hungry during the flight back to Manila.

It’s time for us to leave already. Well what can I say? I totally enjoyed my stay here in Bohol. From the places we’ve visited, food we’ve eaten and to our stay in the beach.

We will definitely go back here in Bohol. And guess what, we did already. Wait for my Bohol Escapade 2.

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