Friday, September 24, 2010

Bohol Escapade 1 - Day 2 - 10/31/09

We really got tired yesterday since we tried to rush everything and finish our itinerary. We were anxious by then as our tour was not finished yet and we still have 3 left in our itinerary. We only have ourselves to blame since it’s our fault in the first place because we took a later flight. Good thing though is that Kuya Tatsky, as kind and generous he is, offered us last night for the continuation of this tour today. Yeah… and it’s for free!!!

Anyway, for our today’s itinerary:

  • Loboc River Cruise w/ buffet lunch
  • Chocolate Hills
  • Butterfly farm

So much for our anticipation, we missed the sunrise that morning. We were dead tired last night that we had a deep sleep and woke up past 9AM, just in time for our breakfast. We have a complementary breakfast for 3 days which is included in our package.

Before we left for the continuation of our tour, we took the spare time exploring the beach. Their beach isn’t that long but it’s an advantage in a way as you won’t have to walk that far to get to other spots, especially to DBR Grill, where we will be taking other of our meals. Just beside DBR, there is Bohol Beach Club, a more expensive beach resort, has a longer stretch and I think better facilities.

exploring the beach

a view from the shore

Now it’s time for the resumption of our tour. First on the list is Loboc River Cruise. We opted for lunch river cruise so that we could see the beauty of the jade colored river. One advantage though of a dinner cruise is the ambience with the colorful lights of the floating restaurants.

Loboc river dinner cruise

us at riverwatch

Kuya Tatsky recommended us Riverwatch. He said food there is good. I don't know what others offer but we had no comments at all in Riverwatch.

We also got serenaded by a band, but in our boat they’re only two. They played I think sort of a jazz type of music. Regarding the food, well there’s a lot. Various Filipino foods were served in the middle on a buffet style. All this is priced at only P350, very affordable indeed!

the duets... great voice

food is served in buffet

The scenery is beautiful and surreal. The end of the cruise was marked by us taking a turn back since that part of the river is narrow already but we were delighted first by a view of the Busay falls.

jade-colored river

Busay falls

On our way back we stopped by a group of local choir and rendered us some songs. Tourists got a chance to mingle with the choir. It was very festive and there are even Chinese tourists who tried out Tinikling, our national dance. Lazy we are, we didn’t go down to mingle with the group, and we just took pictures instead.

a local choir performed for us

tourists enjoying every moment

I definitely recommend Loboc River cruise. It was very enjoyable and relaxing.

Next stop is the famous Chocolate Hills of Bohol. We went atop Carmen observation hill and had a good view of the hills surrounding that part of Bohol. We took the famous jump shots with a broomstick. The photogs there are certainly keen in taking jump shots which we aren’t…yet. We’re like from Harry Potter though. =)

stairway to the top

my gf posing for me =)

up up and away!!!

beautiful hilled landscape behind us

Though it’s a little tiring getting up there, it definitely pays well as you’ll get to see the majestic view of the chocolate hills.

Last on our itinerary is the butterfly farm. Nothing much here, you only get to see different kinds of colorful butterflies. Some of these butterflies are pretty domesticated; they were able to alight on us.

various colorful butterflies

a butterfly playing dead (it actually flew once released... great!)

Back in DBR, we took our dinner at DBR Grill, located at DBR1. They offer various grilled seafood and other menus in an affordable price and in a good serving size.

DBR Grill located at DBR1

We enjoyed today's activities. It wasn't that tiring rather relaxing than yesterday's. Well, we'll attempt again on the sunrise tomorrow. Make a guess. Did we caught up on it or not? Read day 3 to find out. :)

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